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Custom Integrations

Designed and developed several solutions that connect multiple services seamlessly. Some of the platforms that I've worked with are HubSpot, Airtable and Acumatica.

  • Developed serverless architectures to ensure scalability and cost efficiency.
  • Utilized AWS Lambda for compute services and DynamoDB for fast and flexible NoSQL database solutions.
  • Integrated AWS SQS for reliable messaging between distributed systems.
  • Successfuly led and mentored team members in the implementation of multiple serverless integrations.
  • AWS Lambda
  • DynamoDB
  • APIs
  • Webhooks

Web Apps

Created dynamic real-time applications using React and Vue.js, powered by serverless functions and Restful APIs.

  • Implemented multiple BFF architectures to simplify client-side data handling and improve user experience
  • Developed responsive and interactive UI components with React/Vue.js and Tailwindcss.
  • Deployed serverless functions to handle backend processes, ensuring rapid scalability and reduced latency.
  • React
  • VueJS
  • NextJS
  • Lambda


Developed e-commerce websites within the HubSpot ecosystem, customizing themes and functionalities to meet client needs.

  • Designed and implemented custom HubSpot themes to align with branding and marketing strategies.
  • Integrated advanced features like personalized user experiences with React and Vue.js and automated marketing workflows.
  • Conducted performance optimization to ensure fast load times and seamless user experiences.
  • Restful APIs
  • GraphQL
  • Webhooks
  • OAuth
  • Website Themes
  • Migration


Developed comprehensive systems in WordPress, catering to various client needs from blogs to e-commerce.

  • Utilized Elementor to create visually appealing and user-friendly website designs.
  • Developed custom plugins to extend WordPress functionalities and meet specific client requirements.
  • Ensured websites were SEO-friendly and optimized for both desktop and mobile users.
  • PHP
  • Elementor
  • Wordpress
  • Squarespace
  • HubSpot


  • ReactJS

    React logo
  • Vue.js

    React logo
  • Express

    Express logo
  • Laravel

    Laravel logo
  • Symfony

    Symfony logo
  • Next.js

    Next.js logo
  • Nuxt

    Nuxt logo
  • PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL logo
  • MariaDB

    MariaDB logo
  • DynamoDB

    DynamobDB logo
  • Redis

    Redis logo
  • Docker

    Docker logo
  • Amazon Web Services

    AWS logo
  • Tailwind CSS

    Tailwind CSS logo
  • Bulma

    Bulma logo